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Comedy Central




As a comedy writer for the Latino Comedy Project, I was a part of an amazing string of successes that lead us to an Emmy nomination for ‘Best Daytime Promotion’ for our work with MTV tr3s. This lead to a call from Comedy Central asking that we develop an original comedy series that would appeal to the rapidly growing Latino fan base in the United States.



We developed a concept called El Channel, which was a series that would feature program content like this one from the titular station as well as the antics of the said station its day-to-day. As it was located exactly on the border of the US and Mexico, hilarity would ensue in the form of characters faced with running a job while dealing with customs agents and Mexican-American relationships. 


We pitched our pilot to Comedy Central in Los Angeles and now are watching it toil in Hollywood negotiations and posturing. The posted video is one of many segments we've produced for this project and you can see more by clicking the image below.

click here for more videos

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