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Comedy Central


I was brought in as a comedy writer for the Latino Comedy Project once upon a time. I know I’m not the first choice for a member of a Latino-oriented comedy troupe, but the arrangement was fantastic and after an amazing response to our ‘300’ spoof where we received over 8 million views on YouTube, we were contacted by MTV to write a daytime promotional series for their new channel MTV Tres. The series was an amazing success and scored us an Emmy nomination for ‘Best Daytime Promotion.’ Following our work with MTV tr3s and our Emmy nod, representatives from Comedy Central arranged for us to develop an original comedy series that would appeal to the rapidly growing Latino fan base in the United States.



We developed a concept called El Channel, which was a series intended to focus on the antics of a TV station located exactly on the border of the US and Mexico. Our various sketch ideas would be episodes of the content aired on this station while a thorough plot focused on the drama caused by a border patrol operating right through the middle of the station lampooned a parade of hilarious characters and multinational antics viewers of any background could appreciate. 


We pitched our pilot to Comedy Central in Los Angeles and now are watching it toil in the ether of Hollywood broadcast. The attached video is one of many segments we've produced for this project and you can see more by clicking the image below. As for The Latino Comedy Project, we continue to collaborate here and there and hope to begin a web series soon.

click here for more videos

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